Play Pokémon pocket TCG Not just about winning the battle against your friends or building the best deck – there is a set of missions that must be defeated among all of that. When Pokémon pocket TCG Having a variety of normal missions to be completed by players, there are several secret missions that are hidden but found after completion.
After defeating these missions, most of the rewards are available for you. These missions are not as simple as entering or winning battles – they will need time to complete time, and without this guide to help you, you will not know the requirements for it.
All requirements and prizes for secret missions in pokémon pocket TCG
Complete all this secret mission Pokémon pocket TCG Requires you to collect certain types of cards from one group. At present, players only have seven secret missions, but with future game updates and new booster packages, there must be more secret missions to be completed.
Genetic Apex Museum 1 (Charizard)
There are three different secret apex genetic museum missions, all of which are bound to get a unique illustration card. These eight cards have full artwork and are only available from the Charizard booster package.
As a prize, players will receive 12 package hours, 36 hours of office, and 10 shop tickets.
- Lapras
- Meowth
- Alakazam
- Rapidash
- Charmander
- Gloom
- Stupid people
- Thought
Genetic Apex Museum 2 (Mewtwo)

Secret Mission of the Second Genetic Apex Museum makes you gather all eight full work cards from the Mewtwo Booster Pack. Of course, this and all the secret missions of the other Apex Museum’s secrets excluded their specific ex -Immersive cards.
Your rewards to complete this mission are 12 packs of working hours, 36 troops of wonders, and 10 shop tickets.
- Bulbasaur
- Dito
- Target
- Cubon
- Pidgeot
- Dragon
- Weezing
- Parygon
Genetic Apex Museum 3 (Pikachu)

As you might guess, the Secret Mission of the Last Genetic Apex Museum you have got all eight illustration cards from Pakachu Booster Pack.
Just like the two previous missions, your rewards for this mission are 12 package hours, 36 magical hours, and 10 shop tickets.
- Electrode
- Nidoking
- Nidoqueen
- Eevee
- Squirtle
- Digendt
- Garados
- Snorlax
Complete Kanto Pokédex!
You have to collect one card from each Pokémon in the Kanto region. This is the toughest secret mission, because you will need 150 defeat cards. This is not 151 because you get Mew as a gift to complete this secret mission, and it is not available in other packages. The easiest way to track this mission is to check whether you have all the first 150 pokémon from gene 1.
The Immersive 4

You can complete the Secret Mission of 4 Immersive by collecting four three -star immersive cards, which have their own animation. Special Card Mew is the prize you get to complete a separate secret mission.
To complete this difficult secret mission, you will get 12 packs of hourly, 48 magical hours, and 20 shop tickets.
- Charizard ex (Charizard’s genetic apex package)
- Pikachu ex (Pikachu Genetic Apex Package)
- Mewtwo ex (Mewtwo Genetic Apex Pack)
- Meowing (Gift from Complete Kanto Pokedex! secret mission)
Gym Leader of Kanto Region 2

Players must collect all eight full illustration cards for each gym leader support card. While gym leaders in the Kanto region are normal missions, this sequel is a secret mission.
Rewards for completing this secret mission are 12 packs of hourly, 48 magic hours, and 10 shop tickets.
- Sabrina (Charizard’s genetic apex package)
- Erika (Charizard’s genetic apex package)
- Blaine (Charizard’s genetic apex package)
- Koga (Mewtwo Genetic Apex Pack)
- Giovanni (Mewtwo Genetic Apex Pack)
- Foggy (Pikachu Genetic Apex Package)
- Bastard (Pikachu Genetic Apex Package)
- Lieutenant Surge (Pikachu Genetic Apex Package)
The legendary flight continues

You can complete the legendary flight to continue the secret mission by getting an illustration version of three legendary birds.
While you get 12 package packs and 48 magic watches like normal, this secret mission also gives you a legendary bird symbol, only available from this gift pool.
- MOLTRES EX (Charizard’s genetic apex package)
- Zapdox ex (Pikachu Genetic Apex Package)
- Articuno ex (Mewtwo Genetic Apex Pack)
All the secret missions of the mythical island
MITOS Island Museum 1

The first main secret mission with the Mythical Island package makes you gather all this single Gold Star Illustration Card.
To complete this mission, you will get 36 hours of installing magic hours, 12 package hours, and 10 shop tickets.
- Exeggutor
- Confidential
- Marshadow
- Dedenne
- Serperior
- Vaporeon
Mythical Island Museum 2

The second secret mission only requires you to collect two cards, but they are some of the rarest cards in the package, which are Aerodactyl EX and MEW EX, both with a beautiful rainbow border and illustration.
After you get these two cards, you will get 36 pairs of working hours, 12 package hours, and 10 shop tickets.
Mew ex Museum

To complete the Secret Mission of the Museum Mew EX, you will need three rare MEW EX cards, which are two stars, two stars with a rainbow border, and crown.
Just like the two previous missions, you will get 36 hours of pairs of miracles, 12 package hours, and 10 shop tickets to complete it.
- Mew ex (Two stars)
- Mew ex (Two Star Rainbow)
- Mew ex (Crown)
The story of the adventures of the island of myth

While the mythical plates and novice expeditions are easier to obtain, you will also need a rare ex -immersive art card and stars represent ex two with the rainbow border.
Completing this mission will give you the Celebi symbol to be displayed on your profile.
- By a Celebi (Three Star)
- Mew ex (Two Star Rainbow)
- Slab Myth
- Beginner Expedition
All Smackdown Secret Missions of Space-Time
SmackDown Space-Time Museum 1

The first secret mission for Smackdown Space-Time makes you gather all 12 Gold Star Full Art Illustration Cards from Dialga Pack.
As a gift to complete the mission, you will get 36 pairs of miracle hours, 12 package hours, and 10 shop tickets.
- Bidoof
- Combbee
- Croagunk
- Drifloon
- Heatran
- Lucario
- Mamoswine
- Mesprit
- Arrange
- Shaymin
- Shinx
- Tangrwoth
SmackDown Space-Time Museum 2

The next secret mission is the same as the last, but this time all are the Gold Star Illustration Card from the Palkia Package.
You will receive the same reward as before, which is 36 hours of installing magic hours, 12 package hours, and 10 shop tickets.
- Carnivine
- Cresselia
- Garchomp
- Gastrodon
- Giratina
- Glameow
- Hippopotamus
- Manaphy
- Rhyperior
- Rotom
- Spiritomb
- Staraptop
SmackDown Space-Time Museum 3

Although you only need to collect four cards for this secret mission, all of them are two gold stars with a rainbow border from the dialga package, making it quite difficult to find.
Once again, you will get 36 sacrificial hours in surprise, 12 packs of hours, and 10 shop tickets as your gift.
- Darkrai Ex
- Gallade ex
- Continously
- Yanmega ex

On the other hand, these are four double gold stars with Rainbow Borders cards from the Palkia package that you must collect for this secret mission.
Completing this gives you 36 hours of miracle, 12 package hours, and 10 shop tickets.
- Infernape ex
- Ex lickilicky
- Mismagius from
- Wevile ex
Sinnoh region champion

To complete the champion of the secret mission of the Sinnoh region, get a super rare Cynthia card and the Pokemon team in their rare illustration.
You will receive the garchomp symbol to be displayed on your profile after completing this mission.
- Cynthia (Two stars)
- Garchomp (Gold star)
- Gastrodon (Gold star)
- Lucario (Gold star)
- Spiritomb (Gold star)
Gaming Hub
Game online adalah jenis permainan video yang dimainkan melalui jaringan internet. Game ini memungkinkan pemain untuk berinteraksi dengan pemain lain secara real-time, baik itu dalam bentuk kerja sama, kompetisi, atau eksplorasi dunia virtual bersama-sama.